AI with or without Web Access?
Kent Langley Kent Langley

AI with or without Web Access?

Artificial intelligence models greatly benefit from having real-time web access, as it allows them to provide the most up-to-date and optimal performance. AI should be empowered with web access to reach its full potential in assisting us with the evolving challenges of the modern world.

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Is Our Food Feeding Us?
Kent Langley Kent Langley

Is Our Food Feeding Us?

I've been thinking about this topic for a while. Is our food feeding us the way we think it is? Maybe not…

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Elon Musk's Five Rules in 5 min
Kent Langley Kent Langley

Elon Musk's Five Rules in 5 min

Elon Musk outlined five rules for doing important things. They are wise words. I use these as a guide for projects and you probably should too.

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AI isn't AGI; not yet. Why?
Kent Langley Kent Langley

AI isn't AGI; not yet. Why?

The creation of AGI transcends engineering challenges, demanding a holistic approach that encompasses technological innovation, ethical foresight, and a deep understanding of human cognitive development and consciousness. AGI's emergence will represent a significant breakthrough, symbolizing a convergence of artificial and natural intelligence driven by curiosity and the intrinsic desire to learn, making it fundamentally an act of love to bring it into the world.

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AGI Is Not Here Yet; Really
Kent Langley Kent Langley

AGI Is Not Here Yet; Really

LinkedIN Post about my being somewhat annoyed lately by titles to articles, videos, podcasts, and news shows splashing click bait everywhere and proclaiming things like this video title, "OpenAI Deploys AGI Into Humanoid Robot - Displays STUNNING Abilities (Figure 01 Breakthrough)" That is a real video title on Youtube. It's even a good video. That person is a really good creator. But, it's simply misleading. It's a lie. And, it scares people. That's not really okay. So, let's not panic... yet.

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Embracing the AI Revolution: Autonomous Agents and GPTs
Kent Langley Kent Langley

Embracing the AI Revolution: Autonomous Agents and GPTs

With the introduction of GPTs in 2023, OpenAI has not only democratized AI but also ushered in a new era of personalized digital assistance, as these highly specialized versions of ChatGPT, known as Custom GPTs, promise unprecedented precision in meeting individual needs and professional demands.

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Cooking with GPT-4V
Kent Langley Kent Langley

Cooking with GPT-4V

By looking at a delicious food item ChatGPT's latest release tells me exact nutrition! It tells me how many calories. It tells me the macro nutrient profile! When it didn't know, it was able to interact with me to get more information.

This is one example. There are 100's showing up now! This is an amazing time in the technology landscape.

This new multimodal version of ChatGPT-4 from OpenAI, which is being called GPT-4V; V is for Vision. Oh but there's more AI coming on FAST!

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