Elon Musk's Five Rules in 5 min

Elon Musk outlined five rules for doing important things. They are wise words. I use these as a guide for projects and you probably should too.

The first rule is to make your requirements less dumb. Think carefully about what you are asking people to do and make sure that it is clear, concise, and achievable.

The second rule is to try to delete parts of the process. Look for ways to simplify your workflow and eliminate any unnecessary steps. Be. Ruthless.

The third rule is to simplify or optimize the process. Once you have made your requirements less dumb and deleted any unnecessary steps, you can then focus on simplifying or optimizing the process itself. Find ways to make the process more efficient and effective.

The fourth rule is to accelerate cycle time. This means that you should try to do things faster. Make sure that you have done the other three things first before you try to accelerate cycle time. Otherwise, you will just accelerate mistakes.

The fifth rule is to automate. Note, this is the FIFTH thing. Look for ways to automate processes and systems. It is important to automate the right things. If you automate too soon, then you will end up automating inefficiency.

Here is a short video I made about this as well.


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